Access-A-Ride advocates on Vanterpool: We will miss her strong voice

Statement of AARRG! (Access-A-Ride Reform Group) on resignation of Veronica Vanterpool from the MTA board

November 20, 2019


Veronica Vanterpool has been a champion for all transit riders, but Veronica paid unprecedented attention to the plight of riders on the MTA’s long-neglected Access-A-Ride service. She met with Access-A-Ride users, she listened with compassion and she spoke up forcefully for better service at board meetings and behind the scenes. 


We will miss her strong voice. As the MTA rolls back major improvements it had made in on-demand service and other Access-A-Ride programs, we hope other board members will take up the challenge she took on so tenaciously.  

For more information, please contact an AARRG! member organization:

Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled: 646-284-1078 

Center for Independence of the Disabled, New York: 646-436-9906

Mobilization for Justice, Inc.: 212-417-3867

New York Lawyers for the Public Interest: 212-244-4664

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