Services for Individuals

  • Benefits counseling: Our benefits counselor evaluates eligibility, helps with applications and develops independent living plans for people with disabilities. 
  • Tax preparation: BCID is an IRS VITA site, offering free tax preparation all year to anyone with a disability and anyone with an income of $64,000 or less ($85,000 or less for families). 
  • Financial coaching: Our financial consultant assists with budgeting and financial management. 
  • Housing advocacy: Our housing and intake specialist has more than 10 years of experience navigating the housing system, courts, and programs for people with disabilities seeking safer housing, or to get out of homeless shelters. 
  • Transition from nursing homes: Many people with disabilities are in nursing homes because they can’t find accessible housing or home care. Our Open Doors transition specialists and peer counselors work with the person in the nursing home and other in-house experts to find housing so that people can live independently.  
  • Peer support groups: We offer a group for people with visual impairments.
  • Advocacy: Our Access-A-Ride Reform Group (AARRG!) advocates for better paratransit service. BCID’s advocates also champion fair pay for home care aides and other disability priorities. In 2022, BCID played a major role in settling cases with the MTA that requires them to make almost all subway stations accessible. 
  • New York City Disability Warmline—call 929-548-0818 (available starting in fall 2024): If you’re disabled and feel overwhelmed, our trained peers are available Mondays and Wednesdays from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. to talk. They also can provide links to community resources. Call from anywhere in New York City. Spanish-speaking callers welcome.  

To reach us or to make an appointment for our services, call 718-998-3000 during business hours (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) or email us at

Our services are free. Call 718-998-3000 or write us at to make an appointment or to find out more about our programs, including our support groups and advocacy work.