

  1. Consumers of the Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc. (BCID) will be treated with respect and dignity.
  2. All consumers will be treated in a courteous and friendly manner.
  3. Consumer issues will be kept confidential.
  4. Any consumer information that is shared with another person, agency or organization will be done so ONLY with the consumer’s written permission in the form of a current signed release of information form. An exception to this would be in the case of a subpoena issued by the appropriate authority or by our funding sources who periodically conduct audits.  The information you provide in your Consumer Service Record will be used for statistical purposes only and the Center will hold the information in confidence to the full extent permitted by law.  Center staff is prohibited from discussing any information about consumers with anyone other than Center staff members and cannot release any information about you to third parties without your written consent, subject to the exceptions stated earlier.
  5. All requests for Center services will be addressed by a Center staff member within five (5) business days from receipt of the request.
  6. All consumers will have an opportunity to develop an independent living plan if they choose.
  7. Consumers have the right to initiate the grievance procedure for consumers if they feel any action, occurrence or attitude is unfair or inequitable in the Center’s delivery of services.  Please refer to the Grievance Procedure for Consumers form for specific information.
  8. This document, the Consumer’s Rights and Responsibilities, acknowledges the availability of ACCES-VR for addressing consumer complaints about CIL Services.  In the event that consumers are not satisfied after utilizing the internal grievance procedure (Step 7 above), please contact: Robert Gumson/Manager of Independent Living Services/ACCES-VR (formerly VESID)/IL Services Administration Room 1605/One Commerce Plaza/99 Washington Ave/ Albany, N.Y. 12234, (518) 474-2925 Voice, TTY, Toll Tree: (800) 222-5627 (Voice/TTY, toll free).

As a consumer of Center services you also have certain responsibilities.  They include:

  1. Treating Center staff in a courteous and friendly manner.
  2. Keeping and arriving on time for scheduled appointments.
  3. Informing the Center ahead of time when you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment.
  4. Avoid the use of foul and obscene language.
  5. Provide the staff with information necessary to provide you with the services you are requesting.  As a consumer of Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled, Inc., (BCID) I have been informed of my rights and responsibilities.


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CONSUMER SIGNATURE                                               DATE




  1. The consumer is expected to consult first with their direct service provider regarding any action, occurrence or attitude either expressed or implied which is perceived as unfair or inequitable in the Center’s delivery of services.  If a satisfactory agreement for resolution cannot be made through this consultation, the consumer may appeal in writing to the service provider’s immediate supervisor.
  2. The supervisor must arrange a meeting with the consumer and the direct services provider within 10 working days after the grievance is received.  If no resolution can be reached at this level, the consumer may appeal in writing to the Executive Director
  3. If a consumer submits a written grievance to the Executive Director and no resolution is made within 15 working days after the grievance is received, the Executive Director will instruct the Board President to activate a three member Grievance Committee.  This committee is composed of Board members.
  4. The Grievance Committee will hear and review all evidence presented by the consumer and the service provider involved.  After careful consideration, it will make an action recommendation to the President within 30 days.
  5. If the action taken by the Grievance Committee and the Board President is not satisfactory to the consumer, a final appeal may be made in writing to the President for a hearing before the Board or a designated subcommittee thereof.  This request must be in writing and submitted to the Executive Director no more than 10 working days from receipt of notification of the President’s action.


I have been made aware of the above grievance procedure.
________________________________________________ ___________
CONSUMER SIGNATURE                                               DATE


Thank you for taking the time to help us better understand and serve the disabled community.  Your comments, questions, and feedback are valuable to help us to maintain efficient and productive Independent Living Services and programs.

This form  is also available in large print and audiocassette upon request.


Brooklyn Center for Independence of the Disabled
27 Smith Street, Suite 200
Brooklyn, New York 11201
Tel: (718) 998-3000   TTY: (718) 998-7406